Activities of the Finnish Cancer Institute in 2023
Supporting scientific research
In 2023, the Finnish Cancer Institute (FCI) employed 11 researchers: three research professors, five senior cancer researchers, and three cancer researchers. Researchers worked actively and progressed according to the submitted research plans. In 2023, the researchers published a total of 43 (2022: 38) scientific, peer-reviewed articles and gained visibility at international conferences and symposia.
In 2023, two calls for researcher positions were arranged. In both calls, the FCI’s Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) evaluated the applicants and proposed the researchers to be appointed to the positions to the FCI’s Board of Trustees. The members of the SAB assessed their lack of impartiality on a case-by-case basis, in compliance with the Research Council of Finland's disqualification regulations. Since several SAB members had lack of impartiality in ranking the applicants, the relative value of the votes was used (=number of votes received/number of SAB members eligible to vote).
A total of 13 people applied for the two 3-year Pink Ribbon Research Professor positions open in March 2023. The SAB evaluated the applicants according to the criteria published in the call and selected six applicants, whose applications were sent to be evaluated by external international experts. After the evaluations, the Board of Trustees appointed Tuomas Mirtti and Juha Klefström as Pink Ribbon Research Professors according to the SAB's unanimous proposal.
In September 2023, a call for three 2-year Cancer Researcher positions was opened; two of these were Pink Ribbon Cancer Researcher positions and the third K. Albin Johansson Cancer Researcher position. Altogether 21 applications were received. The SAB evaluated the applicants according to the criteria published in the call, and the Board of Trustees decided, based on the SAB's unanimous proposal, to appoint Alexandra Lahtinen and Phuong Doan as Pink Ribbon Cancer Researchers and Laura Hakanpää as K. Albin Johansson Cancer Researcher.
Finnish Cancer Institute Symposium
No symposium was organized in 2023, but preparations for the 2024 symposium were initiated. The 2024 symposium will be held in Kuopio on September 26-27, 2024. The name of the symposium is 16th FCI Symposium - Future of Clinical Decision-making. In addition to the FCI, the organizers of the symposium include FICAN East, UEF Cancer Research Community, Wellbeing services county of North Savo and the University of Eastern Finland. The chairman of the organizing committee is docent, SSI alumna Leena Latonen.
Model Country for Individual Cancer Treatment initiative
The initiative was carried out in active cooperation with the Association of Cancer Patients in Finland and 11 pharmaceutical companies ((AbbVie, Amgen, AstraZeneca, Bayer, Beigene, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Janssen, MSD, Pfizer, Roche ja Takeda). At the end of 2023, one new company (Novartis) joined the initiative.
The main goal of the initiative is to strengthen and promote Finland's position as a pioneer in individualized cancer treatment and as an attractive research environment. In 2023, the main goal was to continue increasing awareness of the lack of national cancer plan in Finland and to promote recording of its preparation in the Government Programme. The FCI CEO and the executive director of the Association of Finnish Cancer Patients were in extensive contact with key members of parliament and the parties' health and social care experts and discussed with them the importance of drawing up a national cancer plan. Moreover, a web campaign called Syöpästrategia NYT! was launched in March together with several social media (X, Facebook, Instagram) posts throughout the Spring. The initiative collaborated with Finnish Cancer Center (FICAN) and Cancer Society of Finland to prepare a joint document like 10 reasons for the cancer plan (in Finnish).
Despite the efforts at the beginning of the year, Prime Minister Petteri Orpo's Government Programme did not include the preparation of a national cancer plan. However, at the SuomiAreena discussion event organized by the initiative in June, Is Finland lagging behind in terms of cancer treatment results (in Finnish), MP Mia Laiho said that the cancer plan was discussed in the preparation of the Government Programme and that the matter will be promoted during the parliamentary term. In the Finance Committee's December report, the governing parties agreed on additions to the budget proposal, in which context a sum of 80,000 euros was allocated to the 2024 budget for the preparation of the national cancer plan.
At the end of 2023, the main focus of the initiative was on the challenges related to the introduction of new medicines. The initiative produced material (in Finnish) for the website and met with Sari Sarkomaa, chairman of the parliament's Cancer network.
The initiative's X and Facebook accounts were in active use throughout the year and both pre-planned and topical issues were published, with the focus on X. By the end of 2023, X had accumulated more than 4.5 million views and around 11,000 link clicks.
Finance and fundraising
The FCI received support from the Cancer Foundation Finland (330 000 euros) and from the K. Albin Johansson Foundation (380 000 euros). The Cancer Foundation Finland financed the total costs of four researcher positions, and the K. Albin Johansson Foundation's donation covered the salary costs of five K. Albin Johansson researchers.
The funds of the FCI have been cost-effectively directed to cancer research in the form of salaries for researchers. The Institute has a part-time (50%) Managing Director and the necessary facilities and services are acquired on a case-by-case basis. The Board of Trustees and the Scientific Advisory Board are working without reward. Travel costs to the meetings are covered in accordance with the state travel regulations.
In 2023, FCI had no fundraising nor was involved in business activities. The companies involved in the Model Country initiative supported the project's activities with a total of 98 000 euros. FCI’s cash reserves were invested to produce the best possible interest income.
Administration, accounting, and auditing
FCI’s governing bodies are the Board of Trustees and the Scientific Advisory Board (SAB). In 2023, the Board of Trustees consisted of eight members (Chair: Tomi Mäkelä) and the SAB of 13 members (Chair: Vesa Kataja). The Board of Trustees met six times and the SAB five times. Tiina Vesterinen worked as the CEO. Accounting services were provided by Premium Accounting Oy. FCI was audited by DHS Oy Audit Partners.
FCI’s website was actively updated. Researcher of the Month publication series, which introduces the FCI researchers, was launched and nine interviews were published.
The administrative tools updated in 2021 (electronic signature, invoicing program and electronic application portal for researcher positions) were also in active use. The accuracy of the previously prepared instructions for related parties and the statement on personal data processing operations and the rights of the data subject were verified.
Cooperation between foundations
During 2023, FCI strengthened its cooperation with the Cancer Foundation Finland and K. Albin Johanssons Stiftelsen. A longer-term cooperation was agreed with both foundations, including their representation in the FCI SAB.
In February 2023, a meeting between the operators of the K. Albin Johansson Stifltelsen and FCI was arranged. K. Albin Johansson researchers presented their study area and results followed by a lively discussion. The event was successful, and it was jointly stated that the funding was excellently targeted.
FCI is actively involved in meetings of Finnish medical foundations, where topical issues are discussed and news from the foundation field are updated.
Activities for the current year 2024
FCI is an independent operator whose expertise is medically, socially and nationally comprehensive. Maintaining research activities is still the most important activity of the Institute. The number of researcher positions in the future depends essentially on the financial support provided by the Cancer Foundation Finland and the K. Albin Johansson Foundation. Possible new partnerships are being explored. As a new opening, FCI will find out how it could support in particular children's cancer research.
The FCI closely monitors the development of the Finnish Cancer Center (FICAN). The FCI could have opportunities to support FICAN's research activities, for example by maintaining jointly funded researcher positions. In addition, the FCI's long experience with the public-private-patients cooperation model in the Model Country of Individual Cancer Care project could serve as a model for FICAN as well.
To date, FCI has organized 15 international level symposia, which have found their place in the research community. The next symposium will be organized in Kuopio in September 26-27, 2024.
The preparation of the national cancer plan was the main target of influence for the Model Country initiative in 2023. In the state budget for 2024, an allocation of 80,000 euros is reserved for the preparation of the plan. The strategy work is predicted to start in 2024. FCI aims to participate as an active representative of the third sector in both the drafting of the plan as well as its subsequent implementation.
The Ministry of Education and Culture allocated a total of 255 million euros to Finnish universities for piloting new practices in doctoral education in 2024–2027. FCI is involved in the Doctoral Education Pilot in Precision Cancer Medicine, which aims to train 152 new doctors in cancer medicine by 2028. The pilot is coordinated by the University of Helsinki and almost all FICAN contracting parties as well as the Pharma Industry Finland, the Healthtech Finland and the Finnish Bioindustries participate in it. FCI is involved in planning how the future PhDs could enter the workforce and what kind of internships could be offered to them already during their studies.
FCI was founded almost four decades ago to prevent increased brain export in the early 1980s. Since then, the perspective has also expanded to "importing brains", since FCI hired talented cancer researchers who have moved to Finland. Third sector support for cancer researchers is still very relevant, even though research and development funding (R&D funding) targeted at universities and university hospitals has increased in the Budget for 2024 compared to 2023. In addition, the act on government funding for research and development for the period 2024–2030, which entered into force on January 1, 2023, promises an increase in R&D funding allocations. FCI is closely following the work of the group preparing the R&D financing plan.
The official annual report with financial statements (in Finnish) can be received on request by e-mail.