Currently, the Finnish Cancer Institute has nine researcher positions funded by the Cancer Foundation Finland and the K. Albin Johansson Foundation. The Finnish Cancer Institute handles the selection process for all positions and is responsible for managing them. The following researchers are currently working for us:

The professorship of the Finnish Cancer Institute is an invaluable support for our research work. It allows me to concentrate on research.

Johanna Ivaska

K. Albin Johansson Research Professor

1/2021 - 12/2025

The Pink Ribbon professorship at the Finnish Cancer Institute represents a unique opportunity for me to focus 100% on research designed to develop new cancer therapies from ideas derived from basic cancer research.

Juha Klefström

Pink Ribbon Research Professor


FCI's Pink Ribbon professorship presents a significant continuum to my career as a clinical researcher. It also enables me to direct a multidisciplinary research group focusing on urological cancers.

Tuomas Mirtti

Pink Ribbon Research Professor


The support of the Finnish Cancer Institute is enabling the first national prospective study to utilize the determination of drug sensitivity of cancer cells in the selection of appropriate treatment.

Mika Kontro
K. Albin Johansson Cancer Research Fellow


I am really grateful to the Finnish Cancer Institute for the support that allows me to continue my research in the genetics and molecular biology of malignant blood diseases.

Outi Kilpivaara
K. Albin Johansson Cancer Research Fellow


K. Albin Johansson Cancer Research Fellowship allows me to continue my research that aims to reveal how a subset of ovarian cancer cells manage to escape anti-cancer therapies, causing the cancer to relapse.

Anna Vähärautio
K. Albin Johansson Cancer Research Fellow

I am very grateful for the 2-year K. Albin Johansson Cancer Researcher position enabling me to focus on my research on metastatic mechanisms of cancer and further grow as a scientist.

Laura Hakanpää
K. Albin Johansson Cancer Researcher


I am grateful to the Finnish Cancer Institute for the support and proud to become a Pink Ribbon Cancer Researcher. This position allows me to explore the methylomes of patients with ovarian high-grade serous carcinoma and to focus on epigenetic roots of chemoresistance.

Alexandra Lahtinen

Pink Ribbon Cancer Researcher


The position at the Finnish Cancer Institute represents a pivotal opportunity for me to sustain my research efforts. With this support, my focus remains on investigating phosphatases, DNA damage, and their implications in breast cancer.

Phuong Doan
Pink Ribbon Cancer Researcher
